Results of setting by entering numbers in the controls in the inspector can be more precise. (the ones shown are the result of my setting the hanging indent by dragging the icons on the ruler. Set the first line and left values in the Indents section to the values you want. Open the Format inspector by clicking the Format Brush. APA requires that all lines other than the first be ‘hanging’, that means indenting them by 1/2 inch. Select the paragraph(s) to which you want to apply hanging indents. Here’s the complete example: Rathbone, M.A. In the ruler look to the left end to find the two part icon combining a Left Margin stop (downward pointing triangle) and a First Line left margin stop (thin rectangle sitting on the triangle).Ĭlick on the triangle part and drag right to where you want the main left margin of the text to be.Ĭlick on the rectangle part and drag left to the document margin. Go to the View menu, and choose Show Rulers. reference page citations for the paper, and the hanging indent will automatically be applied. Select the paragraphs to which the hanging indent will apply. Provided by the Academic Center for Excellence 9 APA Formatting in Word for Apple Products Created May 2016. Haven't checked if this feature is available in Pages for iOS, but it has been standard since the beginning in Pages for Mac.